Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A (Pseudo) Desktop Blogging Tool on Windows

Availability of a desktop blogging tool is the reason for me to edit my blogs on Ubuntu. Without such a tool, I would not have the freedom to jot down my thoughts whenever I like and post them later. Somehow I have a feeling that my mind works less when I'm on the net and constantly looks out for something, rather than thinking creatively.

I had been looking for a good and free (free as in free beer) desktop blogging tool on Windows, but did not have much success. There were a few results by googling, but none of them were freeware, nor did they have a clear description of what functionality they have or what sites they support. I was frustrated on why MS (or other companies) haven't come up with some good blogging tools for the most popular OS on earth.

Today I was delighted to learn about a Firefox add-on called Performancing which is more or less what I was looking for. It is a full featured blog editor that sits right in your browser and lets you post to your blog easily. It's very easy to drag and drop text from the browser to your post or format text. I'm using this editor to write this post.

As a bonus, I have also found another Firefox add-on called Sage which is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed reader. The best thing I like about this is its Newspaper like format. Here is a screenshot:

powered by performancing firefox

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