Sunday, December 10, 2006

How to build audience for your Blog

Robert Scoble, a former Microsoft employee and a famous blogger writes on how to build audience for your blog or how to drive more traffic to your blog. Excellent post. Also links to more such help. Personally I've changed my blog title after reading this post and I have more to learn.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Get the most out of your e-mail, IM and blogs

Since I purchased a cute little mp3 player (not an iPod, just 2 GB, but serves my purpose), I have been actively seeking out podcasts. Especially the technical ones. The ones I have currently subscribed to include IT Conversations and IBM's Podcasts, but I'm sure many more are out there.

Talking about the information that is available over the Net, we have zillions of blogs and podcasts. Then tons of other web-sites, wikis, manuals, articles, videos etc. We are overwhelmed with the amount of information available and it is a daunting task to decide what to go through and what is useful. Though we have more gadgets to automate things and simplify life, there seems to be no end of things that we will keep us busy.

In such a situation, I recently encountered a series of podcasts called Shortcuts. This is actually a weekly podcast to help you make the most out of e-mail, Instant Messaging, blogs and other great tools.

The unique thing about these podcasts is that, they are small in duration so easy to go through (usually not more than 5 mins of talk). Transcript is available as pdf download (hardly 200 KB size) for each podcast too.

To sample, learn how to manage e-mail storage limit or read the transcript.

You can subscribe to Shortcuts by copying this link to your Blog Reader.

That is not all, looks like you can even contribute to this site. Check it out!